High quality scanning service.
Scan a single sheet or large volume, our super fast scanning machine can convert your paper files into digital format in minutes; it enables you to have digital Back-up record, store them safely and also you have mobility of your record so you can retrieve information anywhere you want.
Scan as:
We scan as various type of files system; we help you select one which suites your requirement:
Scan as PDF
Scan as TIFF
Scan as JPG
Scan to:
You may choose one or more files storage media to secure your data, we can:
Scan to CD
Scan to Email
Scan to USB drive
Quality of your data files is highly important factor; depending on your requirement we can scan
from 100 to 1200 dpi
We can scan up to A3 size
Digital enhancement
If you need:
* Old collection of photographs reprinted on to larger size?
* Make copy of photographs?
* To nicely frame some old photos but they have been damaged?
* You have a poor quality photo on computer which need attention?
then certainly you need our expert help.
We can help you with digital enhancement technology
* We convert your classic (black & white) photos into color.
* Heal damaged part of your photos.
* Make small photos printable on larger size.
* Change photographs background.
* Remove unwanted section in photograph.
* Merge two photographs to look alike one.
* Recomposition & reconstruction of ripped photos.